Monday, 4 April 2016

BBC - The Finnish baby box idea is spreading around the world.

  • 4 April 2016
  • From the section Magazine
Baby in a boxImage copyright Finnish Baby Box Company                            
Nearly three years ago, the Magazine reported on the Finnish baby box - a starter kit of clothes, sheets and toys the state gives to expectant mothers. The story went viral and was read by 10 million people in 18 months. Now the box idea itself is spreading around the world.
It's a tradition that dates back to the 1930s. Every new mother, regardless of background or income, gets a baby box from the government. The box contains a stash of supplies - bibs, bodysuits, nappies, a sleeping bag, outdoor gear, bathing products - as well as a small mattress. Putting the mattress in the bottom of the box creates the baby's first bed.
It has been credited with helping Finland achieve one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates.
Read more: Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes
Graph of infant mortality rates
More publicity for the idea quickly followed when the Finnish government gave a baby box to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who were then expecting their first child.
Soon afterwards, three fathers in Finland set up a business to supply boxes to customers all over the world. Two women in the US did the same thing. There is now a similar business in the UK, and there may be others elsewhere.
Three fathers in Finland set up the Finnish Baby Box Company in 2014Image copyright Finnish Baby Box Company
Image caption Three fathers in Finland set up the Finnish Baby Box Company in 2014
White line 10 pixels
A box by The British Baby Box companyImage copyright British Baby Box
Image caption British Baby Box, set up in 2015, was also inspired by the BBC article on the Finnish boxes
It was such a simple idea, and apparently so effective, that health professionals and social entrepreneurs also wanted to put the box to the test, in some cases teaming up with one of these private suppliers.
Often the contents of the box or the way it is distributed are designed to address local problems, from preventing infection to getting the baby out of the parents' bed, where there may be a risk of suffocation. And in some cases one of the key goals is - as it was in Finland in the early days - to encourage expectant mothers to attend antenatal clinics.
Two South African entrepreneurs, Ernst Hertzog of Action Hero Ventures and marketing executive Frans de Villiers, concluded that a plastic box, that can be used as a bath rather than a bed, was more useful for South African mothers.
South African boxImage copyright Thula Baba Box
But the main objective was to get mothers to antenatal classes, and a trial carried out by a team from Stellenbosch University last year concluded that the Thula Baba Box, as it is known, encourages mothers to attend clinics at an earlier stage of pregnancy, and to attend more frequently. Among other things, this reduces the risk of an HIV-positive mother dying in childbirth, and reduces the risk of HIV being passed from the mother to the baby.
De Villiers and Hertzog are keen for the project to be rolled out across the Western Cape region, and hope that it may one day become a national programme.
"We thought the Finnish box was an amazing example of design that changed a nation,'' says Hertzog. ''We hope that, given some tweaks, our product will have just as much of an impact.''
Barakat BundleImage copyright Barakat Bundle
Image caption The Barakat Bundle includes clean birth kits, a mosquito net and a baby blanket
A doctoral student at Harvard University, Karima Ladhani, had a similar idea about adapting the Finnish box for use in South Asia. She developed the Barakat Bundle project (Barakat means "blessing" in some regional languages) which has now swung into operation at a rural hospital in Jagadiya, India.
The box includes a clean-birth kit to prevent infection during or soon after delivery and a mosquito net to protect babies against malaria.
"We wanted to provide low-cost life saving solutions to new mothers - specifically targeted to causes of preventable infant and maternal mortality," says Ladhani,
But it's not just in developing countries where infant mortality is a concern.
A pilot baby box project is being launched this month at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital in London, in collaboration with the US company, Baby Box Co, which says the education component of its programmes is "crucial" to their success.
"We take it for granted people have money for a separate sleeping cot or Moses basket but that might not be the case," says Karen Joash, the consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist behind the plan.
She also thinks the box will enable mothers to keep the baby in the same room with them, because it is so easy to carry, "which is good for bonding," she says.
UK boxImage copyright Baby Box Co
Image caption The box at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital in London is decorated with foxes
About 600 boxes will be given to all women who give birth at the hospital over the next few months.
There are dozens of projects under way in US states, but the biggest will launch later this year in Fort Worth, Texas, when all four of the city's hospitals start handing out baby boxes in an attempt to bring down the high infant mortality rate of 7.1 per 1,000 births in 2013. This compared to 5.9 per 1,000 births in the US as a whole.
About 36,000 boxes are expected to be handed out over the next two years. Here a key objective is to encourage parents not to sleep alongside their babies, in the same bed.
"We realised the community wasn't aware infant mortality was a big problem here," says Dyann Daley, of Cook Children's Hospital System.
"Our goal is to provide a box for every live birth in the city and give babies a safe sleeping environment because that is critical to preventing suffocation deaths."
A baby sleeping in baby boxImage copyright Baby Box Co
Image caption A health centre in Phoenix launched a baby box project earlier this year
A baby box project is also about to get under way in Australia, in the state of Victoria, and the province of Alberta in Canada has been running a pilot project since October 2015.
Karen Benzies, a professor of nursing at the University of Calgary, says the original intention was to target vulnerable families, but they soon realised "the idea of vulnerability that most people have around low income doesn't necessarily hold true in Alberta". It's a province that has done well out of the oil and gas industry, but when men stay away working on oil rigs for weeks at a time, that creates a different kind of problem - as new mothers are left alone with a new baby.

"Our goal is to support first-time families transitioning from pregnancy to parenting," says Benzies.
A key element of this is mentoring. Every mother and father has to identify a mentor who agrees to be in contact - via phone or in person - about 20 times from when the mother is 32 weeks pregnant to six months after the birth.
"We find in Canada that family and friends see a problem, but don't want to, or are told not to, interfere," says Benzies. "And we wanted to change that."
So far about 50 boxes have been distributed, with 1,500 more ready to go.
Alberta boxImage copyright Baby Box Co
Image caption The Alberta box includes nappies, a thermometer, a teething toy and shampoo
Another innovation in the Canadian boxes is a "crib-side assistance" booklet for fathers, to encourage them to bond with the child. Modelled on a car-repair manual it provides a do-it-yourself guide to burping ("You know how good it feels to burp sometimes?") underlines the importance of "fuel" (mother's milk) and explains how to "look under the hood" for those inevitable nappy problems, because "keeping your new model clean and comfortable is important".
The Finnish government says it is aware of the global interest in their baby boxes and often provides consultation to other countries. It now gives presentations at embassies around the world.

But not everyone is convinced the box is the best way forward.
Colin Pritchard, a professor at Bournemouth University who has studied child and infant mortality, says the box system makes some "theoretical sense", as it provides the baby with somewhere to sleep other than the parents' bed and could therefore reduce the number of deaths linked to suffocation.
But he believes the effect will be marginal. Alleviating poverty, stopping parents smoking, and improving education and antenatal care - all these things are more fundamental, he argues, in tackling the problem of infant mortality.

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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The Scandinavian Art - Finland

As as great fan of all Andrew Graham-Dixon's TV programmes & documentaries I thought that first part of Scandinavian Art was brilliant shown on BBC2 14/3/2016.
I am hopeful that very interesting, remarkable and often symbolic Finnish art gets mentioned in the series later.
Geographically, the Scandinavian Peninsula includes what is today mainland Sweden and mainland Norway. A small part of northwestern Finland is sometimes also considered part of the peninsula. In physiography, Denmark is considered part of the North European Plain, rather than the geologically distinct Scandinavian Peninsula mainly occupied by Norway and Sweden. However, Denmark has historically included the region of Scania on the Scandinavian Peninsula.(New World Encyclopedia )
We have had a freedom of movement (no passports needed) between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark since 1954.Between Iceland since 1955 and since1966 with the Faroe Islands.The Nordic Council which is geo-political and inter-parliamentary forum for co-operation the Nordic countries was founded 1952. The Nordic Countries have their respective histories but we are interwined in many ways.

Around 800AD is Viking period and affecting Finland. People from Kainuu ( = Pohjanmaa ) area are known to go on battle trips to Norway robbing and raiding.

1154AD Arabic scientist Al-Idrisi writes that Finnish  (Fymark) king owns land in Norway.1200AD Saxo Grammaticus, Danish historian, also writes about Finnish kings.1202 the Danes try to invade Finland.
Some quick notes on remarkable Finnish art.

I am here flying a Finnish flag as we were part of Sweden over 700 years.1809 Tsar Alexander I attacks Finland and Finland becomes an autonomous Grand Duchy of Russia.Finland became independent 1917.Sweden has alwayas had a great influence on Finnish art.Many of our talented painters and artists studied in Stockholm and Paris on the 17th and 18th century.The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius and painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela were passionate about Finland's independence and it was heard and seen in their works of art; many powerful ones based on the national epoc Kalevala.There are many more artists that can be named for their work.

Today Finnish design and architecture are doing well, always looking forward to new ideas and inventions.
 Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1865-1931
The Aino Triptych 1891                                                     
The Defence of Sampo 1896               
Lemminkäinen's Mother 1897
 Symposion, lopullinen maalaus (tai toinen versio)
Symposion, painting by Gallen-Kallela - heavy drinking artists Jean Sibelius on the right
Albert Edelfelt 1854-1905
Christ and Mary Magdalene       Parisien Lady   Summer        Two women with laundry
Pekka Halonen 1865-1933
In the sauna 1925  Washing in the ice 1900   Autumn landscape 1914
Eero Järnefelt 1863-1937
 Burning the brushwood 1893 View of Koli 1935  Portrait of Saimi his wife
Alexander Laureus 1783-1823
Portraits of artist's stepmother Mariana Juliana Winqvist and her two sons by Aleksander Lauréus
Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 1862-1946
Self portrait 1915                       Family heirlooms 1916
Ferdinand von Wright 1822-1906
View from Lugnet 1899   The Fighting Capercaillies 1886
Magnus von Wright 1805-1868
Annankatu Helsinki  Beach of Lehtisaari

Wilhelm von Wright  1810-1887

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Literate Finland The Washington Post - Valerie Strauss

Most literate nation in the world? Not the U.S., new ranking says

(Correction: Central Connecticut State University has released a corrected version of the rankings. The U.S. moves up from 11th to 7th.)

A new world ranking of countries and their literacy rates puts the United States at 7th. Who’s No. 1? Finland.
The study, conducted by John W. Miller, president of Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn., analyzes  trends in literate behavior and literacy in more than 60 countries. It found that Nordic countries are among the most literate in the world but countries in the Western Hemisphere didn’t do well.
Here are the rankings:

Miller has concentrated his academic work for four decades on literacy, producing  “America’s Most Literate Cities” survey from 2003-2014 in collaboration with Central Connecticut’s Center for Public Policy and Social Research.

In a statement, he said: “The factors we examined present a complex and nuanced portrait of a nation’s cultural vitality, and what the rankings strongly suggest and world literacy demonstrates is that these kinds of literate behaviors are critical to the success of individuals and nations in the knowledge-based economics that define our global future.”

The rankings look at variables related to tested literacy achievement — scores on the PIRLS, or Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, and on the PISA, Programme for International Student Assessment — as well as to literate behavior characteristics. Those include 15 variables grouped in five categories: Libraries, Newspapers, Education System – Inputs, Education System – Outputs, and Computer Availability, as well as population, which is used for establishing per capita ratios.
Given that the scores on international students tests are questionable measures of how one country really does over another for a variety of reasons, it is fair to wonder how they skew the results of these rankings. Miller addresses the issue somewhat in the statement, saying that the results would be  “very different” if PIRLS and PISA were the only factors. He said:
“The Pacific Rim countries, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and China, would top the list if test performance was the only measure. Finland would be the only non-Pacific Rim country to rank high. When factors such as library size and accessibility are added in, the Pacific Rim nations drop dramatically.”
If, of course, he had only looked at student test scores, it wouldn’t have been much of a literacy ranking.
Valerie Strauss covers education and runs The Answer Sheet blog.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Teaching migrants how to behave / BBC News Helsinki

Teaching migrants how to behave

  • 22 January 2016
  • From the section Magazine BBC
Migrants arriving in Finland are being offered classes on Finnish values and how to behave towards women. Concerned about a rise in the number of sexual assaults in the country, the government wants to make sure that people from very conservative cultures know what to expect in their new home.
Johanna is one of those energetic, animated teachers whose cheerful energy lures even the most reluctant pupil into engaging with the lesson. She uses both her hands to stress her meaning and she always softens any difficult points with a smile.

"So in Finland," she says softly, "you can't buy a wife. A woman will only be your wife if she wants to be - because here women are men's equals."
Her pupils, all recently arrived asylum seekers at this reception centre hidden away in the snowy depths of the Finnish forest, watch her carefully - and I watch them. Some of the young Iraqi men, who already speak good English and passable Finnish, nod sagely. Others, particularly the older men, stare at one another with raised eyebrows as Johanna's words are translated into Arabic for them. One man, hunkered down inside his black ski jacket seems to be taking notes while there's a faint smile on the lips of the only head-scarfed young woman in the room.
Raasepoori reception centre
Image caption Raasepoori reception centre in the Finnish forest
"But you can go out to the disco with a woman here," adds Johanna brightly. "Although remember, even if she dances with you very closely and is wearing a short skirt, that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you."
A Somali teenager pulls his woolly hat over his ears and cradles his head in his hands as if his brain can't cope with all this new information.
"This is a very liberal country," he says incredulously. "We have a lot to learn. In my country if you make sexy with a woman you are killed!" He turns to his neighbour, a Malian man of a similar age to gauge his reaction.
"It's quite amazing," the Malian nods. "In my country a woman should not go out without her husband or brother."
Woman at a disco in FinlandImage copyright Alamy
Johanna turns her attention to homosexuality and the Iraqi men on the back row - it's always the back row - begin to giggle and snigger.
It might seem like a bit of a pantomime, but reception centres in Finland take these voluntary manners and culture classes extremely seriously. If men arriving from very different and conservative cultures are not immediately made aware that Finland has its own set of customs and rules which must be respected, then they will never integrate, warns Johanna.

The men may groan when she tells them that Finnish men share the housework, but they no longer baulk when they see their taxi driver is a woman. Since the autumn, when Johanna first started giving these classes, female asylum seekers frequently approach her to complain that their husbands are not treating them in the Finnish way. The men are also versed in Finnish criminal law so they know exactly what to expect if they touch a woman inappropriately.

And that's why these classes are backed by the interior ministry and the police. Last autumn three asylum seekers were convicted of rape in Finland, and at the new year there was a series of sexual assaults and harassments similar to those in Cologne and Stockholm. Victims reported that the perpetrators were of Middle Eastern appearance - something Helsinki's deputy chief of police, Ilkka Koskimaki decided to go public with.
"It's difficult to talk about," he admits as we drive in a patrol car through the icy streets of the city. "But we have to tell the truth. Usually we would not reveal the ethnic background of a suspect, but these incidents, where groups of young foreign men," as he puts it, "surround a girl in a public place and harass her have become a phenomenon."
Refugees walk from a public transport centre to a reception centre in Tornio, north-west Finland, September 2015.Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption More than 32,000 migrants arrived in Finland in 2015
The police van pulls up at a downtown reception centre where Koskimaki's preventive policing team give similar classes to Johanna's. A jumble of migrant men smoking on the snowy steps in flip-flops, hastily scarper indoors, clearly alarmed by the police presence. A muscly Iraqi man in gym kit approaches me cautiously and asks me in a whisper why I feel the need to visit the centre with three police bodyguards. Please, he pleads, please don't think all asylum seekers are dangerous because of a few criminals.

The lesson at Raasepoori reception centre is drawing to a close and the asylum seekers have been given optional homework to help them read up on Finland's sexual equality laws. As we leave the class, an Iraqi man in a colourful bomber jacket shakes my hand.
"It's great in Finland," he says "But when I marry, my wife will be a housekeeper who will cook the food I like - and she certainly won't go to discos."

How to listen to From Our Own Correspondent:
BBC Radio 4: Thursdays at 11:00 and Saturdays at 11:30. Listen online or download the podcast.
BBC World Service: At weekends - see World Service programme schedule or listen online.
You can also listen to a longer radio report from Finland by Emma Jane Kirby which was broadcast on The World at One.
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